Patient First Dental Services

Emergency Dentist Appointments

Get Booked In When You Need Emergency Dental Treatment

You never know when toothache can strike. That's why we're proud to offer emergency dentist appointments.

At Patient First Dental Practice, our aim is to get you seen and pain-free the day you contact us.

When you make an emergency dentist appointment at Patient First, we'll book you in for the next available slot.

Find out more, or book your emergency dentist appointment using the buttons below...

Looking For An NHS Dentist?

We're Proud to be Your Local NHS Dentist

One of the greatest benefits of living in the UK is our amazing NHS system.

We're very proud to be a part of this wonderful system and to offer our patients all the dental treatments available on the NHS.

NHS patients will pay less than private patients and the price you pay will depend on which band your treatment falls into.

There are four bands; emergency dental treatments and 3 bands of courses of treatment.

Click the button below, or get in contact with us to find out more about our NHS dentistry...

Your Local, Friendly Children's Dentist

Taking Care of Your Children and Their Dental Health

Good oral hygiene is an important lesson for all children.

Teaching your child about the importance of looking after their teeth and gums is one of those lessons all children should learn as soon as possible.

At Patient First Dental Practice, we work together with parents to ensure their children understand why oral health is so important.

Our friendly dentists and dental nurses will do all they can to put your child at ease so they don't grow up to be afraid of a visit to the dentists, but instead, look forward to their appointments.

Click the link below, or get in contact with us to find out more about our children's dentist services...

Dental OPG and CBCT Scans

Get High-Quality CBCT and OPG Scans with our Planmeca 3D Scanner

Regular dental scans should be a part of your oral health routine.

Through dental scanning, we are able to see issues with your oral health before they become problems and cause you pain.

This can include seeing where a child's adult teeth will grow in, the progress of wisdom teeth in teenagers, and spotting problems that wouldn't normally be found in a routine check-up.

Our top-of-the-range Planmeca 3D scanner can spot impacted teeth, broken teeth, cavities, tooth decay, and much more, before they ever cause you any pain.

Click the button or get in contact to find out more about our dental scanning...

Become A Member of Our Practice Plan

Maintain Your Dental Hygiene and Save Money with Our Practice Plan

For just £20 a month, you can keep that dentist clean feeling all year round...

Our Practice Plan gives you two dental check-ups, as well as two dental hygienist appointments every year.

You also get free emergency dentist appointments and a 10% discount on dental treatments and sedation.

Click the button below to find out more, or contact us for more information...

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